Author Archives: ebald2np
“And to make an end is to make a beginning.” -T.S. Eliot
After taking a course in photography, it easy for me to see how a simple change in a picture’s color can push me to feel a different way. For example: This picture is my least favorite of the three versions. … Continue reading
i don’t like the person blasting music outside my window.
for some reason i am still stuck on the depiction of women in movies or now i guess it has spilled over to every medium. I am not sure that I know what an ideal woman is or even what … Continue reading
the hotel windows
I think I just want to leave it at wow right now. I am confused by the hotel window scenes. I had a theory about one minute ago (haha no lie) that everything after the psych ward was just in … Continue reading
always more than I can chew…
Is there a thing as “superficial art”. I am going to say no. First I think I want to touch upon the definition of art. I decided to look it up because I guess I too consider someone else’s words … Continue reading
ever after
This may be a pessimistic idea but I think the Jennie and Eben’s relationship is like a real relationship. From time to time, I volunteer in a nursing home and I really enjoying talking to the residents about love and … Continue reading
it’s still all right
So I’ve been thinking about the novel for awhile and I can’t seem to decide if i think it has a happy ending or not. I don’t know if I really should be all that concerned with whether it’s happy, … Continue reading
To be an artist-
“Art can only mean something to the artist who creates it.” I found these lines a little unsettling, although i feel like this is a reaccuring issue throughout the semester and that I have heard them before. Where are we … Continue reading
uh… um…
So class today made me wonder … why do people hesitate and pause. Being a budding linguist, especially interested in discourse analysis, I find this question very appealing. I haven’t yet had the chance to take Sociolinguistics but… from intro … Continue reading
Shadows are more real then objects.
I’ve decided that the subtle aspects of Fast, Cheap and Out of Control are so numerous that I can’t tell if there is a reason that things are there and shown or if it just happened that way. Today in … Continue reading
I found this interview online… i thought i’d share: