ever after

This may be a pessimistic idea but I think the Jennie and Eben’s relationship is like a real relationship. From time to time, I volunteer in a nursing home and I really enjoying talking to the residents about love and their life. One time, this cute, little old lady told me that to be in love is to be obsessed with the another person, that it is like an addiction. Upon me asking how one can get that feeling, that obsession to last a life time, she said that you can’t expect it to last. I found that a little sad, at first, but then she went on to say that there is always love and a deep connection, but the obsession comes and goes. I guess that I see a connection in how Jennie grows up and how a relationship grows. Eben goes from desiring her physical presence to knowing that she is there and with him even when she is physically absent. Also, the couple have the revival and rekindling of romance that happens with a real relationship. I think it’s unrealistic to think that once you find your ‘soul mate’ everything is going to be wonderful and perfect.

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