Do I want to grow up?

When we first started talking about Little Women, there was quote about the story being rare because it is about “girls who want to be woman and not vice versa.” I found this to be really interesting to think about. To some extent I think the quote has a point in that when women grow up they tend to want to be young again but then again I think that young girls want to grow up in the same way. I always wanted to be older and able to drive and not have a bedtime. I remember the first time I watched TRL and I saw the girls that were like 16 and 17 years old and I thought that they looked happy and comfortable with who they were so i thought that it would be wonderful when I was their age. Now, I don’t know if I’d rather be younger or older. I’d love to not have so many responsibilities and maybe be a little more oblivious to life. On the otherhand, I’m excited to have a job, a family and not be in this limbo stage between a child and an adult. I feel like this is a strange age to be. Sometimes I feel like I am continually distancing myself from my childhood and it makes me want to go sit on a swing or chase lightning bugs.

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