I was watching a reality show on mtv and usually I just see it as a way to kill time and don’t really pay attention. Typically, I do some sort of homework while the show is playing in the background. I will look up sporadically. After our class discussion yesterday about directors picking specific shots for a reason, and how they may be trying to show us something subtle, I decided to watch a little closer. I was watching “Dance Life” (yeah I’m admitting that I am a reality tv junkie) and one of the dancers, Kenny, went home to visit his family (bare with me). He has two younger brothers and, because he lives in LA, his family doesn’t see him very often. While he’s home he takes the time to teach a dance class at his old studio. At the end he tries to get his little brother to dance, but he refuses. Kenny, sadly says, “Maybe later then”, which I found touching because he knows he is only there for a day or two and there really won’t be a “later” (I can relate to this but that’s another topic). Anyway, after he says this and walks away, the camera stays focus on the studio room, and in the background (not in the center of the screen) the little brother tries one of the dance moves that Kenny had been teaching. I thought it was very touching especially because Kenny probably had no idea that he really had an impact on him and is looked up to in the manner. Plus, it was such a subtle shot. Someone was trying to say something without being blatant. Usually when I think of reality tv, subtlety is not something that comes to mind.