Monthly Archives: February 2007
Do I want to grow up?
When we first started talking about Little Women, there was quote about the story being rare because it is about “girls who want to be woman and not vice versa.” I found this to be really interesting to think about. … Continue reading
I hate making up titles…
I was actually a little horrified by the portrayal of the characters in the 1949 version of Little Women. I felt like they were exagerations and extremes of the characters that Alcott created. Instead of creating a visual of the … Continue reading
Marching to the beat of her own drum?
Alright… well eventually I want to get back to the subject of Beth because I am really interested in her character, but I stumbled on a quote that is taking priority. On page 367, Mrs. March is talking to Meg … Continue reading
I thought it was a fluke…
I took the test that I posted below, and somehow I ended up being Beth everytime. Because of this, I feel the need to talk a little bit about Beth’s character in the novel. I don’t know if I really … Continue reading
who are you?
I found this test and it will tell which character (meg, jo, beth or amy) you are most like. I will blog more about this later, because i have to get to class(our class actually), but I thought it was … Continue reading
I want both…
Class discussion today brought up an issue that is close to my heart. I have struggled for a long time with the balance between what I want. I want a family and to be a mother, but I also want … Continue reading
Memories part II
I think the fact the story is not a typical coming of age story is what makes exploring and experiencing it so memorable. I read a lot of books when I was younger and, although I loved reading them, it … Continue reading
The memories…
As I reread Little Women, I can’t help but think back to the first time my mother, my two sisters, and I read the novel. I remember falling in love with the story and characters. Of course my sisters and … Continue reading
A Simple Shot
As I was watching the first part of Miller’s Crossing, I noticed that the camera shots were really amazing. The glass of ice caught my attention right away. In high school, I learned how to develop my own black and … Continue reading
Reality Tv
I was watching a reality show on mtv and usually I just see it as a way to kill time and don’t really pay attention. Typically, I do some sort of homework while the show is playing in the background. … Continue reading