
This movie and I did not start off on the best foot. As the title appeared on the screen, I said, “Please let this not have subtitles. I have read all day long.” Now, looking back on the movie, I didn’t dislike it, but I really think that subtitles take away from the fantasy-like experience of going to a movie. I like to be engulfed by a movie. It is very hard to watch the words while also trying to concentrate on visual aspects of the movie. I think that forgien films, especially Japanese and Chinese, are difficult for me to watch because, not to be cliche, but there is something lost in translation. Obviously, there are cultural elements that I miss out on, but also there are elements of the language that I am missing. Reading a sentence is different then hearing it said. I could say Beth’s chocolate CAKE is the best. or Beth’s CHOCOLATE cake is the best (I used capitals to suggest different word emphasis/stress). While it might not alter the meaning that much, the difference it is still present.

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