Monthly Archives: January 2007
This movie and I did not start off on the best foot. As the title appeared on the screen, I said, “Please let this not have subtitles. I have read all day long.” Now, looking back on the movie, I … Continue reading
This is going to be a short post, but let me just say that I would hate to be the actress playing Janet in the version of the Glass Key that we just finished watching. I really wonder how the … Continue reading
As I was browsing through some poetry I came across this poem by Gjertrud Schnackenberg: Signs Threading the palm, a web of little lines Spells out the lost money, the heart, the head, The wagging tongues, the sudden deaths, in … Continue reading
First Post!
So… This first post is going to be on The Glass Key, which I just finished. As I was reading the book tonight, a few things caught my eye. First, on page 162, I noticed that Madvig was being referred … Continue reading
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