When Bad is Good
Posted by robyngiannini on March 13th, 2007
At the risk of sounding annoyingly philosophical, how do we decide what is a “good” movie? Dr. Campbell commented that he now reads movie reviews before going to the movies so that he doesn’t have to watch a “bad” film. But personally, I rarely agree with movie critics.  A movie can have the best acting, the best scenery, and an amazing plot, and fail to interest me, while sometimes a horrible, overly-cliche movie is exactly what you are looking for. Now, I don’t credit myself with knowing enough about movies to fully understand whether or not the 1933 version of Little Women is “better” than the 1949 version. But I can tell you, I enjoyed the 1949 version a hell of a lot more, and that’s all the standard I need for a good movie.
Things that Rocked about 1949 Little Women:
*the actors looked like children and not middle-aged adults
*their voices were less annoying
*I was always wondering what inappropriate thing Amy would say next
*they didn’t make me gag because they were too nice
*Beth’s death was less drawn out and boring
*Laurie didn’t look/act as homosexual
*the colors were pretty
*when Jo jumped over the fence the music jumped with her
* the girls acted more like people and less like stage actors
*Amy made up more really funny sounding words
And I could continue. Okay, maybe none of those things are characteristics of a “good” movie. If that is the case, I can only conclude that I like “bad” movies, after all.