Hello Moto

What does it mean to capture something with a cell phone camera? Instant gratification? Mobility? Convenience? Simplicity? Why am I so fascinated by such a simple camera? (although in theory not quite so simple because I am still baffled as to how digital photography works, I mean really, it is amazing).

Perhaps I enjoy it so much because it is an instantaneous way to capture bits and pieces of moments in time which I can then upload onto my computer and then in turn upload them to a photo sharing/storing website like Flickr so that my memories are preserved in case my brain starts to leak (which it most likely will as time goes by).

But what does it mean to me to have a camera readily at my finger tips?  Do I take photos for purposes solely benefiting myself?  Do I want to share them with others?  What does it mean by putting my photos out on the web for anyone to see?  When I started my Flickr account I was surprised when I got comments from people I had never heard of before because it meant people I didn’t know were actually taking the time to look at and enjoy my photos.  Interesting.

Will there one day be a search engine for images? Kind of like Google, but also like Flickr ‘cause you coupld upload a photo or image for query?  For example, tonight I took a photo of a painting of a man who I had no idea who it was.  If I were to upload one of my photos onto a searchable database, then perhaps it would give me results with photos that are similar to it, which would help me identify the man in the painting.  I suppose this is kind of similar to something Dr. C. was talking about in one of our past classes, how there was a program that can search for similar shapes in an image and find the similar shape groupings in other images.



*George trying to stealth nap during class … naughty, naughty* George



*Escher Stairwell?…Interesting how things can see things from a different aspect when you turn your perspective upside down*



*Untitled painting of a man that hangs above the zerox machine…It kind of reminds me of Ben Franklin, but the clothes don’t seem to fit the era quite right*

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