Yes, I Would Like To Get Your Combination Special Please.

There is an idea/concept/speculation trend that I have noticed since the first new media studies class.  What I have picked up on is this: It seems to be that more would get accomplished if we simply worked together by pooling our collective knowledge to figure something out (I am using the word “our” in a general sense).  Let me try to clarify this. 

During the first two classes we discussed how communication was difficult because of field specialization (For example a math teacher trying to explain theories of calculus to a gym teacher in order to accomplish something…there is a lack of communication because a gym teacher isn’t specialized in the field of calculus).  Perhaps greater unimaginable things could happen if we were able to combine two things together to make it work (whether it is to find a solution to something, or to increase efficiency in general).  Instead of having two things oppose one another, why not join forces?

Combinations I have noted that have been discussed in class are as follows:

1.)    The right side of the brain and the left side of the brain: Combining the reasoning and number skills that the left side of the brain is responsible for with the imaginative creative capabilities that the right side of the brain is noted for specializing in.

2.)    Creative thinking and formulative thinking: Are they the same? Do you need both of them to accomplish something greater?  Kind of goes back to the right/left brain thing with the right side being creative and the left side being formulative).

3.)    Brains and Computers: (Especially related to and discussed in J.C.R. Licklider’s Man-Computer Symbiosis Essay).  If we can figure out a way to meld our minds with the machines (aka computers) so that the machines do what machines are good at and brains do what brains are good at then our powers unite we are unstoppable!

Combined forces of knowledge are kind of like peanut butter and jelly working together to make the most badass tasty sandwich known to mankind (or at least to me anyway).   I mean who was it who originally thought of combining those two things?  That was a great idea.  Ok so that metaphor might be a slightly far fetched and doesn’t completely relate the way I wanted it to, but I thought I would put it out there anyway.

I will close with a point that Dr. C keeps stressing is: Something very small could lead to doing things that have never been imagined.

*Upon leaving class on Tuesday night (07/03/07), a man told us that “the dogs outside our friendly”.  Puzzled by this statement we soon discovered there there were in fact friendly dogs awaiting us outside.  The loyal puppy stared intently through the glass door panels for his master*



*P.s. Happy 4th of July…even though now technically it is the 5th of July.  WHERE DOES THE TIME GO!?!?! WHERE?!?!  Anyway, while it was still the 4th of July I tried to grow some balloons in my front lawn but wasn’t too successful*


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