Author Archives: Jim Groom
The twentieth Remove
It was their usual manner to remove, when they had done any mischief, lest they should be found out: and so they did at this time. We went about three or four miles, and there they built a great Wigwam, … Continue reading
The nineteenth Remove
They said, when we went out, that we must travel to Wachuset this day. But a bitter weary day I had of it, travelling now three dayes together, without resting any day between. At last, after many weary steps, I … Continue reading
The eighteenth Remove
We took up our packs and along we went, but a wearisome day I had of it. As we went along I saw an Englishman stript naked, and lying dead upon the ground, but knew not who it was. Then … Continue reading
The seventeenth Remove
A comfortable Remove it was to me, because of my hopes. They gave me a pack, and along we went chearfully; but quickly my will proved more than my strength; having little or no refreshing my strength failed me, and … Continue reading
The sixteenth Remove
We began this Remove with wading over Baquag River: the water was up to the knees, and the stream very swift, and so cold that I thought it would have cut me in sunder. I was so weak and feeble, … Continue reading