
Time and Emotion

Posted in Uncategorized at 5:51 am by janeaustenfilm

A few weeks ago in my Film. Text, and Culture class, Dr. Campbell talked to us about filmmakers using cuts to reflect or convey the emotion of the scene. To demonstrate, he had several charts that showed the number of cuts in a scene and the time between each cut. To compare to the novel the film was based on, he counted the number of words in a sentence. I thought it was a pretty interesting idea, and I wanted to apply it the Pride and Prejudice adaptations, partly to see how well the mimicked Austen’s pattern and sense of emotion. I chose to look at the first proposal scene; in Bridget Jones’ Diary I decided this was the “I like you just as you are” scene.

Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice(1995)

Pride and Prejudice(2005)

Bridget Jones’ Diary

Sorry they’re a little on the big side! I did my best to resize them, and you couldn’t see them if they were thumbnail size.

What I think is interesting is that all the films hit a low point around the same time Asuten does. Also, Bridget Jones’ Diary matches up best with the 1995 P and P, which makes sense because the novel was based on the film, or dealt heavily with the film. Does anyone else notice any similarities?