A few things to note:
* I posted the second chapter of Foucault on the readings page as well as the Introduction to Daniel E. Williams’s Pillars of Salt (please read both this weekend)
* As I said yesterday, I would like you to examine the 4 points of methodology that Foucault mentions in the chapter we discussed yesterday, and think about (or research) this idea of genealogy that he discusses in relationship to his method.
* If you haven’t posted for the first two readings, I expect that you will shortly. If you have any questions about posting, please contact me.
* I talked a bit about categories and crossover last night. I would like each of you to read on another’s post with the lists of categories, and see if you might be able to incorporate these categories into your own posts. In other words, are others using another term for a category where two, or more, of you are hitting on the same principle? If so, don’t add it as text to your post, but just edit the post and add (or check mark) the category box with this alternative term -is this clear?
* From here on out please be specific about the reading we are doing for you responses on the blog. And make sure the responses you have already posted clearly define the work you are talking about. You should also edit your previous posts to make sure the title of the work and chapter are clearly defined. And don;t be afraid to get more specific with post titles!
* Additionally, be sure that each separate reading over the weekend gets its own blog post (i.e. one for Discipline and Punish Chapter 2 and a separate one for Pillars of Salt Intro)