list – The accounts of thefts appear to be a shopping list or something of that sort. Here is a recollection of those tings that were stolen as if in order to get it all off of his chest.Â
regret – “For after I had stolen, I have been so distressed at times, as to be obliged to go back, and throw the stolen goods at the door, or into the yard, that the owners might have the again. And not long before I was taken for this robbery, I passed the gallows on Boston neck with some stolen goods under my arm when my conscience terribly smote me, and I thought I should surely die there, if I did not leave off this cause of life.” p.181
admonishment – Just like Frasier in his narrative/confession Ames reverts to admonishing the people in the town not to follow in his steps or death will be their reward. He lends his warning especially towards the youth and tells them to avoid those vices that lead to the lifestyle he lead, such as stealing and lwed women.Â