levi ames

1. envy– the desire to have something belonging to another seems to be a feeling which serves as a catalyst for the injust acts in which Ames, as well as frasier, partook.

2. charity– a heartfelt, voluntary giving. “i die in charity with all mankind.” it is interesting that he would say this in the snese that he voluntarily forgave Atwood for lying and that, through his confessions, all those whome he victimized would or had also voluntarily forgiven him. in a way, it is almost humerous that a theif would use the word charity in some of his last words.

3. holy-being of God. Ames states that he wants to be made holy. this desire to be made holy and achieve salvation is the most important aspect of the criminal after being condemned. “since which I have found peace of mind, anger against myself for sin, and a desire to be made holy.”

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