1. community-here i had a fair opportunity of being of service to the community; by discovering these pests of civil government, andbringing them to justice…” the community is seen in almost a reverse role here. in most past cases, it was the community coming to the aid of the convicted by means of ministers and townspeople praying for the lost soul of the prisoner. however, in this case, although rosencrantz neglected it, he acknowledges that he had an opportunity to civically serve the community.
2. venturesome-but instead of these difficulties i had gone through, being a warning to me, they rather, as will appear in the end, made me more venturesome.” rosencrantz, like the other thieves we have discussed, had an addiction to the criminal acts in which they were partaking. here, rosencrantz blatantly acknowledges the reason behond his continuous behavior; it was the thrill. it was not that he was addicted to the act of forging money, it was that he was addicted to the excitement that he felt everytime he was successful.
3. industrious– “i industriously set myself to work and might have lived comfortably, if it had not been for what follows.” Rosencrantz once again reverts back to money as the primary cause of this criminal acts. by working, he would earn a wage and perhaps be deterred from continuously counterfieting money. however, it seems that his reputation preceded him.