psychotic – Frost provides an incredible chilling narrative, he begins with the savage murder of his own father whom he attributed with responsibility for his mother’s death . He details how he beats his father’s brains out as he does later in the text with Mr. Allen. Then while he was in jail it is said that “…he believed his father and Allen had a very tough time of it- Being asked why he had thought so, he said he had been beating his head against the walls of the prison in order to know how they felt whilst he was killing them.” This self proclaimed act shows a disturbing vision of a madman who had already beaten justice once.
brutal creation – Frost felt absoluetly no remorse for the crimes he committed and it was said that “He appears to have been a being cast in a different mould from those of mankind in general.” His acts were so savage and his lack of remorse forced this text to portray him as a beast not a man. Due to the brutal nature of his crimes it is not hard to see why Frost conjures up a notion of “brutal creation”.
acquittal – Frost begins the narrative by immediately relaying the fact that he murdered his father and was very surprised by the verdict, as was I at the time being. But at the end of this text we become aware of reasoning for the acquittal which was the fact that the jury had found him to be insane. I knew it before they told me based on the head banging and brain talk but it is also important to note these inner workings of the justice who once found him insane and freed him, to then not caring whether he was insane because he murdered “again”.