1. grace- The story of Esther Rodgers’ confession is one in which the author/publisher declare that “…the Glory of free Grace is displayed.” Although she lived much of her life being scarred by wickedness she makes a remarkable conversion after being in prison for some time and becomes of symbol of the grace of God. By the time of her execution Rodgers wholly believes herself to be going to a better place; she has rid herself of any bad feelings towards her executors and has denounced her former life of sin. By following her model of penitence others too could hope to earn a spot of God’s good graces.
2. Weakness- Rodgers much like many of the stories we have read that include women was explicitly described as being part of the “Weaker Sex”. The implementation of this little jab is used in part to explain how she succumbed to her lusts as well as serving to remind women that they were believed to inherently be more inclined to fall victim of wickedness. The dangers of “Whoredom” are often seen as something that women cannot help but fall into due to pressures of the stronger sex. This loosening of morals is the first step on a slippery slope.
dishonor - After having been visited many times by members of the surrounding church community esther began to see the error of her ways. She never feared the punishment for her deeds and claims that the impending death sentence is not what wrought such a drastic change in her heart and mind. She believes that her need to repent was sparked by the realization of the “…Dishonour done to God.” Due to this she began to loathe the odious nature of her sins and began a complete conversion in the eyes of the lord.