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rachel wall
-Warning- Rachel’s first mention of warning is to her husband, who “enticed me to leave my service and take to bad company†(284). Although she says that she forgives him, she hopes that her “unhappy fate will be a solemn … Continue reading
covetous – Frasier compulsion to steal as he admitted was due to a burning desire within to become rich. HInstead of attempting to do so by legitimate means the “easy” money of thievery seemed much more appropriate for his condition … Continue reading
john jubeart
Education- Isaac Frasier blames his upbringing and education (or lack thereof) on his criminal history, combined with his “thievish natureâ€. John Jubeart, however, seems to have been well brought up, by parents who “were honest industrious people and gave him … Continue reading
Posted in education, experiment, poverty
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