Brooks, buchanan, ross

conspire – In this account of murder there is a large amount of build up to actual killing of Mr. Spooner.   But unlike many of the other narrative it does not serve to provide a backstory of criminal’s histpry but rather it contextualizes the event by detailing the back and forth discussions about the eventual murder.  Mrs. Spooner, a boy named Parker and Mr. Ross all talk of killing Mr. Spooner and eventually all involved begin to planthe best route for murder.

drinking – The intoxicant is constantly referenced as making part of an evil character, it is a common act in the life of sin and lays the groundwork for future misdeeds.  The criminals in this narrative recall several days of drinking liquor which all helped to iron out the details of the murder.  The victim himself was said to go to the tavern on multiple instances as well as drinking with his murderers.  Abuse of alcohol is the backdrop of many of the criminal narratives, helping to show the progression of the criminal mind.

death – The criminal narratives we had read all end with the execution of the condemned persons except for this one.  In this narrative we are left with the new that they perpetrators had been sentenced to death after drinking and boisting of having Mr. Spooner’s watch.  We are not given any account of repentance while incarcerated nor are we privy the last dying words of these murderers.  instead we all left with the thought of the impending and inevitable doom of the sentence.

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