friend – This term is used in the beginning of this serialized narrative to describe God. This is included in a letter that was written to John Sullivan which urged to him to begin to build a relationship with the Almighty while incarcerated as means for eternal salvation. His death sentence meant that all of his pursuits at this time must be ones that are guided towards salvation and no human possesses this power; the grace of God must be bestowed by the Almighty, man claiming to due so is blasphemous. Although the role of ministers dues play a large role in the leading of a criminal to God it is only the criminals themselves that can foster a true relationship with God, thus enabling them to become examples of God’s mercy.
escape- In The Bloody Register the notion of escaping punishment by either running away becomes commonplace. The criminal stories relayed give much attention to the criminals ability to wiggle out of trouble somehow. Their were frequent escapes from jail and numerous desertions of agreed upon lengths of serviceupon a ship or for military endeavors. The criminals out the time much like todays seem to be willing to do anything and everything within their power to avoid what they are well aware will be the fate of their continued defiances of the law.
women- In relation of the pirate Alexander white’s tale we are exposed to sudden and dastardly change of his actions. He proclaims his past to be one in which he served his full terms of apprenticeship and occupattions. But after becoming a well  schooled mariner he set to the seas commanding his own ship and all was well and good until hedecided to marry. This woman marks the change from a benevolent man to a man who heinously took the life of his brethren. “…Love began to burn my poor and wounded heart; and being resolved to go through any difficulty that might impede us, I intended to take the life of my fellow-creature…” White also attributes his downfall to the fact that he had married a girl above his class which surely motivated his violent anamoly inlife.