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foucault ch. 2
(this is an older post, but i had combined it with the pillars of salt post and went back to separat the two into two individual posts.) 1. pain– suffering and distress in varying degrees of severity takes on a … Continue reading
Posted in confession, engl375mm, pain, torture
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john jubeart
1. instill– this idea of instillment is imperative to setting someone on a good and godly course, a main concern within the judiciary system at the time. ministers served to infuse in the mind of criminals the desire to repent … Continue reading
isaac frasier
1. conscience– this is the first text in wich this inner sense of right and wrong is the main focus. Frasier’s conscience was a key component in his crimes. it is also a word that helps us to under- stand … Continue reading
Posted in conscience, flame, notorious
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owen syllavan
1. servant– a servant is generally thought of as a lowly person. he always has a master and must always perform duties of submissiveness. most of the time these services are rewarded by the master with some sort of payment. … Continue reading
patience boston
1. monster– i remember Molly used this term when we read the excerpt from Monster Kody’s book. i found it interesting that this particular and exact term has been used twice to describe two criminals separated by a period of … Continue reading
william fly
1. judge– first time in, i think, any of the readings a judge’s name has been specifically mentioned while speaking of a person’s conviction. in this case, William Dummer is directly correlated to the condemnation of death. this identification of … Continue reading
esther rodgers
1. repentance– this was the most important outcome of a person’s conviction. as said before, it was with the soul that people of this time were most concerned. the key entities of the minister and the sermon were centered around … Continue reading
Posted in conversion, death, repentance
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Cotton Mather’s sermons from Pillars of Salt
1. sermon– in this text, the sermon serves as a warning rather than just a delivery of God’s word. It is a public display of something done wrong, for example, in “the wicked man’s portion.” it served as a way … Continue reading
pillars of salt
1. participate-to take part. pillars of salt does a thorough job of showing the individual participants in public executions and punishment. one, or maybe just me, would at first think the only true participant in an execution would be the … Continue reading
Posted in confession, conversion, death, pain, participate, torture
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second definitions
1. transformation– a change in appearance, nature, and character can be seen throughout this entire reading. obviously, the change in appearance is most obviously applicable to a body changing physically while subject to torture like that of Damiens in the … Continue reading
Posted in body, justice, transformation
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