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1. retribution– “he thought it no great crime to kill such as he supposed treated him very ill-and did not appear to have a just conception of the heinous crime of murder.” frost’s concept of murder is very unlike a … Continue reading
Posted in death, honesty, retribution
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1. sincerity– this word indicates that Mount confessed to all of his crimes willingly and the account that was published was not given based on any other basis than genuineness. this caught my eye because we have questioned the validity … Continue reading
1. naturally-Powers never tries to blame his “villainous” acts on others. he believes them to be part of his character-an innate aspect of himself. “but i was naturally too much inclined to vice, to profit by his precepts of example…” … Continue reading
1.theatrics– “we were on the spot at the hour agreed upon, and disguised ourselves for the adventure. hyde and wilson were dressed in white frocks and boots, with their faces painted yellow to resemble Molattoes. Mountain was dressed in the … Continue reading
herman rosencrantz
1. community-here i had a fair opportunity of being of service to the community; by discovering these pests of civil government, andbringing them to justice…” the community is seen in almost a reverse role here. in most past cases, it … Continue reading
Posted in community, industrious, venturesome
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the american bloody register
1. number-after commmitting a crime, it almost seems as though the worth of the person became so devalued that they lost their human identity and essentially became a numnber. the only interest left in these people were the public entertainment … Continue reading
rachel wall
1. public-once again, attention is placed on the public. their participation has become even more personal, however, in the way Wall describes their interests than just the ravenous spectators they have been in the past. “the public will be anxious … Continue reading
levi ames
1. envy– the desire to have something belonging to another seems to be a feeling which serves as a catalyst for the injust acts in which Ames, as well as frasier, partook. 2. charity– a heartfelt, voluntary giving. “i die … Continue reading
buchanan, ross, and brooks
1. escape– to get away. “who have for this time escaped punishment.” Buchanan, ross, and brooks like the other narratives we have read, want to escape. this desire to escape punishment is indicative of the fear that the penal system … Continue reading
elizabeth wilson
ignorant– not knowing of the fervently preached saving power of God’s mercy seems an almost shocking realization for someone in this time period. “during her confinement she was visited by serious people of different religious demonstrations, and appeared amazingly ignorant…†… Continue reading