Adaptation – “adapting punishment to the individual offender” Over the years this standard still previals. What has changed however is the severity of the punishments. Death has been hailed as the ultimate punishment for the most gruesome and horrible killers that are caught in our country rather than as a punishment for anyone who has taken a life. As the mentality of society changed so did the punishments. “the execution no longer bears the specific mark of the crime or the social status of the criminal; a death that only lasts a moment.” Another way adaptation can be viewed is the removal of the responsibility from the government. “Justice is relieved of repsonsibility for it by a bureaucratic concealment of the penalty itself.”
 Routine – When executions and punishments were kept as routine events in the public the awareness of one’s actions and resulting consequences for those actions were prevalent in society. After these executions and punishments were removed public view it died down from their interest completely. A routine helps to enforce the laws that are being set up. With the removal of the executions more and more fellons filled up the prisons.
Pain – The concept of pain evovled over time. At first there was a devotion to bodily pain, and torture reigned in the penal system. Over time there was a move from the object of punishment from bodily pain to mental. “take away life but prevent the punished from feeling it”Â