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Monthly Archives: June 2007
elizabeth wilson
Elizabeth Wilson Innocence- Like Rachel Wall, Elizabeth Wilson is concerned with the idea of her own innocence. She also has a modern conception of guilt an innocence, an idea of not guilty by reason of insanity: “or was an insensible, … Continue reading
rachel wall
-Warning- Rachel’s first mention of warning is to her husband, who “enticed me to leave my service and take to bad company†(284). Although she says that she forgives him, she hopes that her “unhappy fate will be a solemn … Continue reading
american bloody register
Money- Richard Barrick is a highway robber, purely out for money. He knocks on people’s door, demanding their money, and forces his way in to take whatever he can if they won’t comply. He is driven purely by a desire … Continue reading
levi ames
Forgiveness- Levi Ames expresses two forms of forgiveness at the end of his life: one he has given and one he has received. He asks “May God forgive me of my dreadful wickedness committed both against his and many worthy … Continue reading
Posted in conscience, forgiveness, warning
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buchanan ross brooks
Money- Mr. Spooner is apparently murdered for money, hired by Mrs. Spooner, and paid with cash kept in a box which is split up among the murderers, a few hundred dollars for each. They also split up some his belongings, … Continue reading
Posted in conscience, love of money, money, warning
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buchana, ross, brooks
deceit – To me it didn’t seem like these men were really guilty of anything except being deceived. Mrs. Spooner from the moment she saw them conceived in her mind ways to have her husband killed. Her refusal to have … Continue reading
the american bloody register
1. number-after commmitting a crime, it almost seems as though the worth of the person became so devalued that they lost their human identity and essentially became a numnber. the only interest left in these people were the public entertainment … Continue reading
levi ames
list – The accounts of thefts appear to be a shopping list or something of that sort. Here is a recollection of those tings that were stolen as if in order to get it all off of his chest. regret … Continue reading
Posted in admonishent, list, regret
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rachel wall
1. public-once again, attention is placed on the public. their participation has become even more personal, however, in the way Wall describes their interests than just the ravenous spectators they have been in the past. “the public will be anxious … Continue reading
levi ames
1. envy– the desire to have something belonging to another seems to be a feeling which serves as a catalyst for the injust acts in which Ames, as well as frasier, partook. 2. charity– a heartfelt, voluntary giving. “i die … Continue reading