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Monthly Archives: June 2007
rachel wall
crime – Here in Wall’s narrative crime carries two meanings. The first is one that she mentions is the traditional form of crime that encompasses actions done that go contrary to the laws set up by a government. The second … Continue reading
Posted in crime, nocturnal excursion, publicity
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escape – “…but as Providence had ordered it, she did not go home that night, and so escaped the snare I had laid for her.” This quote is explaining a night in whichPowers had plotted to hide in the bushes, … Continue reading
Public – At the outset of Wall’s narrative the writer of this narrative chose to speak to the people reading directly saying “…the ever curious Public…will be anxious to know…” This open address to the reader is a bit odd … Continue reading
Posted in fear of God, innocence, public
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Sin- Powers’ narrative is extremely concerned with sin. He explains that a woman when he is young teaches him “that awful sin†(343). The rest of his narrative is largely concerned with sexual crimes, and we see how he blames … Continue reading
denial – The narrative of Elizabeth Wilson is noteworthy because of the fact that she never admits to commit infanticide. Instead she tells a story in which the illegitimate children are killed by their father after he had called her … Continue reading
1. sincerity– this word indicates that Mount confessed to all of his crimes willingly and the account that was published was not given based on any other basis than genuineness. this caught my eye because we have questioned the validity … Continue reading
Levi Ames
Recompense– Ames repays people he steals from with other stolen goods.  He does not elaborate on why he chooses to recompense certain people for their losses. Maybe he only repays people who know he stole from him so they won’t … Continue reading
Posted in blame, conscience, Personalization, Recompense
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Submission– Owen’s submission to authority is complicated.  Although Owen seems rebellious early in life, seeing his parents as tyrannical, he later becomes a model citizen and even takes “great delight in discipline†in the army. Despite his outward submission, he … Continue reading
Posted in guilt, money-maker, submission
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1. naturally-Powers never tries to blame his “villainous” acts on others. he believes them to be part of his character-an innate aspect of himself. “but i was naturally too much inclined to vice, to profit by his precepts of example…” … Continue reading
thomas powers
deceit – having something or someone appear to be something that they are not. this happened to Powers a lot in his narrative. Many times after his escape he turned to familiar people to take him in and help him … Continue reading