Monthly Archives: March 2007
One last reminder
I figure since I presented today I deserve another ad for my show. Some of you wanted to know what we sound like. Here’s your sample:
Slow, Expensive, and Entirely In Control
I read Johnny Cash’s autobiography a few years ago and really hooked into his retrospective take on his life and the people in it. He seemed to be without any personal judgement against people who had hurt him in the … Continue reading
Sometimes you just gotta sell yourself.
So this weekend, come see my band, Humungo Ginormous. It’ll be educational.  Thanks to my film geektitude, we reference the following movies in the lyrics: Frankenstein, Dracula, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Day The … Continue reading
Phillip Glass
I just wanted to do a little post on the composer of The Thin Blue Line’sscore. I’m not an expert on music by any means, but Glass’ compositions, particularly the ones that he does for films, always project an inquisitive mood onto me … Continue reading
Authentic Audacious Audio
This American Life: Death To Wacky – 3/20/98 Ira Glass notes as he exits the theatre after seeing Fast Cheap and Out of Control about how the marketing campaign passes the film off as “wacky.” As we’ve seen, Errol Morris’ … Continue reading
So I’m checking out the videos that Dr. Campbell nominated, and the EPIC 2014 and EPIC 2015 films are an absolutely fascinating projection of how news and media will operate with future mergers. It really borders on dystopia and while … Continue reading
Vernon, Florida…
is definitely my favorite movie so far in the entire course. While the citizens of this town may be peculiar to the majority, I found myself connecting on an equally strange level. I laughed at many of the early scenes. … Continue reading
Dipping our toes in Errol.
I’m very excited to be jumping into this Errol Morris unit. Especially since we will be dealing with such a large part of his filmography. For one thing he does not verbally impose on his subjects. In a world where … Continue reading
It’s too late for me to think of a title.
When talking about new movies, my dad often tread a routine that’s more tired than “Who’s On First?” Dad: The paper said (insert movie title here) was (insert judgement: good/bad/delicious/etc.) Me: Who wrote the review? Dad: I don’t know. And … Continue reading
Quick post on Laurie
I noted how the Armstrong version portrayed Laurie as a male equivalent of Jo moreso than the Cukor/Selznick or Leroy versions. The ’33 adaptation manages to emasculate Laurie and treat him like a goofball, convincing the audience that the two are in … Continue reading