WordPress Multi-User now has an all-in-one multi-media player thanks to the Anarchy Media Plugin. To make it purr, look for the little yellow “A” (for Anarchy) on your Editor toolbar and click on it. Then just copy the url that points to your media in the appropriate field and you can include sound, images, videos, and flash files from just about any place you can imagine. Amazing when you think about it!
Here are the file formats and online services this plugin supports:
Simple href links: Upload your mp3, flv, mov, mp4, m4v, m4a, m4b, 3gp, wmv, avi or asf file via the WordPress editor’s upload browser then “send to editor†– or make a hypertext link to any external file on the web – and you’re done!
Rich text editor: Flash swf (including Google Video, YouTube etc., players via the “A†for anarchy button) or Director dcr use the respective rich editor buttons. To embed the various media players supported by AMP enter the full HTTP address (url) to your YouTube, Google Video, iFilm, Revver, Metacafe, MySpace or GoEar web page. For DailyMotion video and Apple iTunes iMixes just copy and paste the code from their embeddable players.
[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ZiYhSwP0Y20" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]