Since we’ve only really just begun Unit Four in terms of actual class discussion, classmate’s blogs on this subject are a little scarce. However, several entries (along with Dr. C’s in-class pointers) have really given me some things to think about with regard to the complex relationship between art and love, and the very thin line between love and obsession. Also, although blog entries rarely mention Jennie, it seems like her motivations and presence lurks everywhere, the same kind of integral-but-invisible presence she served in the novel. For instance, in Charlie’s blog, he comments that “Of course, the nature of love and whether or not soulmates exist is something each person has to decide on his/her own.” Clearly, Jennie has made this decision, and her confidence and certainty that she and Eben are meant to be together is what propels her through the film–and really what propels the film itself. […]
Original post by anniek