So I watched Vertigo with Stephanie and Megs, hidden in Combs 237.
I’m not sure I have a lot to say about it yet. It was certainly very beautiful, certainly very interesting. Very strange. Parts made me shiver a little- but parts of the film are so strange that I can’t quite wrap my mind around them after one viewing. Heck, I’m still not sure what exactly happened. It seems to me that there is a chance that Judy wasn’t real at all. I mean, the only person other that Scottie who sees her is the creepy nun, who certainly doesn’t act like someone who has just seen somebody fall out of the belltower. Maybe she wasn’t there at all, the nun just saying “mercy” or whatever she says because she was surprised to find Scottie in the belltower. I don’t know of anybody who would see someone fall to their death and just go ring the bell. Besides, Scottie even sees her as a ghost when he finally gets her hair in that bun.
Of course, Judy seems real most of the time. She has the coat in her closet. But what if it’s all just Scottie’s mind?
Probably, this is an interesting path to travel but will lead me in a circle, back to where I left Judy as a real character. She’s probably real.