Having problems commenting on other blogs?

There have been some reports of comments showing up in strange places for certain folks. If this pertains to you, do us a favor and give a brief description of the issue in the comments below (if you can!), or send an e-mail to jimgroom_at_gmail.com. Rest assured that the elves in the WordPress shop are on the job. Please describe which blog and blog post you made the comment on and where it ultimately ended up.

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Feed me, Seymour!

The little shop of ELS blogs is now serving up class feeds. The “Class feeds” tab in the header now links to a still growing directory of courses that are utilizing ELS blogs. When you click on respective links you will have access to the latest blog posts for that class. Moreover, for courses with more than two blogs (namely Dr. Campbell’s Film/Text/Culture class) you can get a comprehensive list of student blogs in the sidebar, which will allow you to browse the posts for each blog quickly and easily by clicking on the rightwards arrow (→). Be sure to check the directory of class feeds to be certain we have placed your blog in the proper place, remember this is alpha going on beta! Report any problems using the comments for this post.

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Embedding YouTube videos in your blog

YouTube LogoI noticed some folks have been adding links to YouTube videos (or even embedding them!) in their posts. This is a great way to bring the film text into your discussion. If you are interested in embedding a youtube video into your post it is quite easy. Follow the steps below:

  • Find a video in YouTube and copy the code from the “embed” field to the right of the video
  • Paste this code into the your tab on your editor that says “HTML” (there are two tabs on your blogs text editor: “Editor” and “HTML” -use the HTML for all code you are copying).

That’s it… now bring on the multimedia!

Have a question?  Use the comments.

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ELS blogs just added 25 themes

But who’s counting? Thanks to the unrelenting generosity of [[WordPress]]’s [[open source]] community this site will now support almost 30 different themes you can use to skin your blog. The “Themepack by Farms” makes available 25 [[WPMU]] safe themes, many of which offer the option to customize your header with the uploaded image(s) of your choice. But don’t trust me, try it out for yourself. And, as always, if you are new to WordPress and could use a little help, there is an online tutorial here that should help answer some, if not all, of your questions. Additionally, use the comments below to request additional WordPress themes ,and we’ll be sure to see what’s currently available for WPMU.

Happy blogging!

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Welcome to ELS’s Blogging Homepage

Create a New Blog
Interested in getting a WordPress weblog through the department of English, Linguistics, and Speech? Well, it requires two steps:

It’s really that easy!

Or, if you already have an ELS blog or username, you can login below:

Not familiar with the ins and outs of a WordPress blog, this tutorial should get you through the hard times, which are few and far between.

Have fun!

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