Truth in the Advent of Digital editing

It is interesting in Morris’ films that he shows how we all create our own “truths” to give meaning to our lives, but the essays we read approach truth in a different manner. Through our ingenuity we have taken film which in many ways, as kracauer would have said, is unrivaled in its ability to portray scientific truth and made it capable of presenting complete fabrications as truth. As we have discussed the ethical implications of this, we must also wonder does this change how we see film. It is interesting for us because we have grown up in one of the last generations to know films before they could be edited digitally. Will future generations be inherently skeptical of film as a media that can portray truth? I believe that as we experience further and further the capability of film to create and decieve people will become more skeptical of it as a medium of truth. You can see this in earlier films with digital effects that were once thought to be incredible, which are now thought as cheesy and unbelievable. Are we going to become more acutely aware of what is edited digitally and manufactured to be percieved as truth? It will be interesting to see how future generations who have never known a world without digital editing will react to its advances, and if their reaction will be any different from ours.

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