patience boston

warning – In this narrative like many of the others we have read the criminal admits to following a life of sin in which they were made aware of their wickedness. Boston claims to have had “seasonable Warnings against sinful courses.” But she did not feel remorse for her deeds and continued to live a life of wickedness. The idea that there a steps along the way to eternal condemnation is a notion that was very popular. Less significant sins like drinking laid the foundation for the capital crime that was to follow.

conversion – Boston like Rodgers become a model narrative for the people to follow because of her rdedication to God. The story of the conversion was the aim of these narratives because it exposed the criminal mind as being unable to bear their own criminal acts. It leaves people with the thought that although there may be no hope to resurrect your life here on Earth, if you are penitent and able to renounce your former life you can become a monument of God’s mercy and may secure your spot in eternal bliss.

Counsel – The role of the ministry was to help encourage criminals to repent and begin life anew by condemning the former life. This counsel was fairly instrumental in shaping the narratives we read because without the executors of God’s will helping to change the minds of these criminals they surely would not have been selected to mass produce and distribute among the public. It is interesting to note though that both of the conversion narratives of Rodgers and Boston ignored such counseling until they knew that the final days on earth were numbered, only accepting God and repenting after being imprisoned for a crime punishable by death.

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