covetous – Frasier compulsion to steal as he admitted was due to a burning desire within to become rich. HInstead of attempting to do so by legitimate means the “easy” money of thievery seemed much more appropriate for his condition although he did seem to express sorrow over the fact that his life of theft had cost him his marriage. Frasier seemed to be continually getting sentencedc for his crimes but this did nothing to deter him;he mentions the whippings and debt of servitude without much disdain. Perhaps this is so because he was an accomplished runaway who had to believe the could escape before a true punishment came to fruition.
Escape – In this narrative we are given the first instance of a criminal believing he could outsmart the system. Frasier openly talks of his plans to and succese in escaping from both prison and from those who caught him red handed. He was several times able to escape formal punishment through specific arrangements made for his petty thefts. Even after he was sentenced to death he entertained thoughts of his escape which he accomplished in order to rob a number of new stores and people.
education – Frasier openly admits that he is deserving of the punishment of death. He claims that his years of mischief had hardened him and led to the more extreme acts of wickedness that cost him his life. He says that he would’ve been better served used education as a means to get ahead and true to the narratives of the time warns others not to take the same path. “…the appearance of evil, whose beginning tho’ comparatively small, yet often ends in the most gross acts of wickedness.”